Telecommuting is awesome. The biggest upside to our company being bought 2 1/2 yrs ago is the ability to work from home. I don't abuse it and always get a lot more work done (no interruptions) and it's great for big projects. So, with yesterday's 9 incher, that's what I did. Randy works in downtown Boston and they said, hey, if you're not essential, don't come in. He didn't have brain surgery scheduled and neither did I (he's a regional VP and I'm a sales analyst), so we stayed home and did what we needed to get done. I always feel a little guilty or "weather-wimpy" in storms, but then I think, most employees at my corporation are women, most of them are moms, and most of them stayed home because it was a snow day. Why should I make myself a road hazard, driving like I'm 80, stressing out for over an hour both ways (usually 35 minutes) after spending forever digging the car out from my street space because of the plows, and bein...
You will have to go WAY back in the time machine for me...
Think 1986, WUPE/Pittsfield....
Rob Witham here, I've been searching for you on Google, Yahoo, et al, wanting to find and contact you to see how you were doing! You look great!
Definitely linking you on my blog; if you can't sleep at night, go read it. :)