Telecommuting, and vacation plans

Telecommuting is awesome. The biggest upside to our company being bought 2 1/2 yrs ago is the ability to work from home. I don't abuse it and always get a lot more work done (no interruptions) and it's great for big projects. So, with yesterday's 9 incher, that's what I did. Randy works in downtown Boston and they said, hey, if you're not essential, don't come in. He didn't have brain surgery scheduled and neither did I (he's a regional VP and I'm a sales analyst), so we stayed home and did what we needed to get done.
I always feel a little guilty or "weather-wimpy" in storms, but then I think, most employees at my corporation are women, most of them are moms, and most of them stayed home because it was a snow day. Why should I make myself a road hazard, driving like I'm 80, stressing out for over an hour both ways (usually 35 minutes) after spending forever digging the car out from my street space because of the plows, and being all raggedy anyway?
So I did, and The Company had me plugging away online for a full 3 hours more than any of my co-workers that dug out and drove 17-MPH to work. Yay for me, yay for them, and no spin-outs, blow-outs, roll-overs, or road rage!
On another note, we're getting our Next Big Plans for vacation together. We're thinking South America. Bought the Frommer's book and everything. March, which is right after the high season it'll be the beginning of fall there, nice weather and everything. We're either gonna hang north in Equador (Quito is there), Peru, Macchu Picchu and Amazon stuff, or south to Buenos Aires, Iguazu Falls (both Argentina), wine country in Argentina, and Lakes Region and Santiago in Chile. If you've been on either route, or know someone who has, any advice? We are excited. Either trip will be fabulous. Probably 14-18 days. Anyone wanna house-sit?
Hope you're having a good week!


Chris Curtin said…
My dad did the Machu Pichu trip this summer. If you want to go that route I'll get him in touch with you.

Pat lived in Costa Rica and Venezuela for a number of years so he can help if you want to go there as well. I wouldn't go to Venezuela right now though.

Me, I'm thinking Vegas baby for the big 4-0 this fall. What about you? Oh yeah, you're still 29, my bad ;-)

ryssee said…
LOL, I'm not dumb. I'm turning 35 for the sixth time in April. Will keep you posted on plans!
Hope the tables are good to you.
Anonymous said…
How can I possibly have a daughter turning 35 for the sixth time? :p
Chris Curtin said…
I remember turning 21, for the second time (cough, cough)

I definitely remember your 21st birthday.
ryssee said…
I don't. Did we go to Flat Street?
Calamity Jen said…
Ah, working from home. That's the one and only thing I miss about my last job.
Kimberly said…
You were smart, and I'm like you. I think I'm 10 times more productive (provided the short people in my home are occupied) at home than in the office.

In other news - OMG! South America. ::drool::
Can I come too? :-)
HAR said…
Want to place a friendly wager? The odds are in your favor.
Anonymous said…
well i can let you know that Quito is pretty cool but hey you know i've got friends there
so hows things Ris
Chris Curtin said…
Um, maybe I don't remember your birthday then. I thought we went to Mike's Westview or something at 12:01.

Flatstreet would have been typical, but I thought we did something else.
Unknown said…
Hey,just stay away from my most recent travel destination. Too windy and cold and sandstorms all the time now.

Hope to see you soon Laryssa!

By the way---the page is showing up in English today vs. Russian!

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