Off to Salt Lake City

Going to Salt Lake City tomorrow for the Outdoor Retailer trade show (click title of this post for the link). Always a good time the first two days-they have most of the biggest to littlest suppliers of outdoor gear, footwear and apparel. There's even one company that puts up a huge blow-up pool and holds kayak and canoe demos.
It's really cool to see what's going to be out in the marketplace two seasons for now. We're all showing our Fall 07 lines to retailers from all across the country. It's make-or-break time for the Product and Design teams. Must be a lot of pressure to see if your concepts and designs are what the people (we consumers) really want to buy a year from now.
So, there are always these great parties thrown by the biggest names in the industry - last year I missed the Black-Eyed Peas in a bar, and OR sponsored a concert by one of my 80's faves A Flock of Seagulls. It seems I only get to see the local bands. The best I've done so far is to meet the castoffs of Survivor from several seasons back. Oh well, it's always a fun and exciting time. Plus there are great restaurants there, yum!
Did I mention that this month is my 10th Anniversary with my company? Can't believe it's been that long since our parent company acquired them. And now we've both been acquired by another company in MA. Anyway, I love getting to see all the people I've worked with through the years.


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