Happy Birthday, Mom!

Happy Birthday to you!
Happy Birthday to you!
Happy Birthday, dear Mom!
Happy Birthday to you!

It's her birthday tomorrow (4/10) but this is getting posted today so she can see it first thing.

Cool things about my mom (besides all the normal Mom stuff):
Completed college with a 4.0 (at Smith College, no less) while we were in high school
Wrote a book that didn't get published but DID get used as Smith College required reading
Survived breast cancer bravely
Led the charge digging out the hole for the pool after the contracters screwed it up
Built a deck
Fixed a roof (I think)
Designed and decorated a 400 square foot addition to the house, then added a porch.
Re-designed and decorated several rooms in the house
Kept the cat around even though she was allergic
Can get a whole new wardrobe for $75
Made us really cool ski suits when we were little
Made sure we had skis
Made me an Easter dress from curtains (helloooo Scarlett!)
Made my First Communion dress
Made sure we played baseball
Worked for GE
Worked for the United Way
Owned and operated a store
Sold real estate
Worked with pregnant teens (for 10 years!)
Said "No" to the first guy that proposed marriage
Made her wedding dress
Came back from her honeymoon with about 34 cents and made it home from NYC
Found a dentist in Italy on said honeymoon and was able to communicate what the hell was wrong.
Was absolutely right about Lucerne
Wore animal prints and short skirts after she was married
Wore her hair long
Cut her hair short
Got a perm
Helped me buy a car and then return it
Made sure I had lots of pennies to rub together when I became an adult
Got Pong for my brother and me
Had one of the first word processors
Made sure I had one for college
Bought a Commodore 64
Had a PC and internet first
Did she work on the first female Mayor of Pittsfield's campaign? I think so.
Dressed literally as "The School of Hard Knocks" for Halloween
Showed up at The Depot, wearing MY jeans
Came to London by herself to visit me when I went for the summer
Went to Spain by herself
Wintered in Myrtle Beach with my dad and made the absolute best of it
Went back to Spain with a friend on the spur of the moment
Went to Russia by herself and even took the subway
Quit smoking after several decades
Danced onstage at a play we went to
Procured Butterscotch the Pony for Christmas 2006
Got a convertible and made her own seatcovers
Got another convertible.
Donated both to charity and got her dream convertible.

The list goes on and on but she's super smart, she has her convictions that she sticks to, and I admire and love her for who she is.

Happy Birthday, Mom!


Anonymous said…
Gosh, I hardly recognized this woman. She missed your posting on 4/10 'cause she slept late and had to skip the computer in order to get the rest of the day underway if she wanted to give MB another try. Did I ever tell you I love you - and to stay safe? And I'm proud of you too.
Kimberly said…
AWESOME LIST! So many things I didn't know.

Happy (belated) birthday Aunt S! You're still way cool.

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