Goodbye Yankee Stadium, and thanks for the memories
I've been reading a lot of articles about the final game at Yankee Stadium, which is tonight. It's hard to believe that a stadium with so much history that it has its own article in first person in Sports Illustrated this week is going to see its final game tonight. Click that link above-it really is amazing how much history that building holds. Yeah, it's long, but a really good read. Today's post on the Sox and Pinstripes blog was written by a home-town Yankees fan. It's a cool article about The House that Ruth Built and what it means to him. I've read and heard a lot about the Yankee fans, but I'm the RIVAL fan, and I'm going to miss this place too. There is so much history between the Red Sox and the Yankees, how could I not? The articles remind me of not only how I feel about my home park for its history and lore, the legends that played there, and the joys of victory and the agonies of defeat, they reminded me that we've had a whole lot ...