Vacation, and The Beginning of Rattling around the House Alone with Two Kitties

Lots going on. Fabulous vacation to Germany! Flew into Berlin, rented a car and drove through Germany (autobahn=awesome, btw), finished up in fabulous Munich. Man we needed the break and had an awesome time.

Pictures from Berlin are posted here. More are coming and I'll post those links too!

On the other hand, my Sweet One has accepted a 6 month assignment to London, so he flew there at the end of our vacation, and I came home. Got a week or two with him beginning Saturday, then he's off across the pond until at least the new year. There will be visits both ways, but it's not the same as having him here! OK yeah I'm a little sorry for myself, but I'm also really, really excited for him too. I have to go across the Atlantic to visit my live-in beau!


Kimberly said…
The Germany picts are fab!

Congrats to Randy. I'm sure you'll miss him, but look at it this way: you get a built in excuse to travel back to London again.
Martini said…
London! Ooh, I love London. If you get a chance, have sausages at Burrough Market and if you can, go to Mr. Jerk's for Jamaican food! I always dream of Mr. Jerk's.
Jenny Harvey said…
Speaking for the whole of the UK (ok maybe just my house) but great to know you will be hitting our shores again

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