Ah, forget it...

I'm done with my daily posts! :-)


Calamity Jen said…
Congrats! You made it!
Anonymous said…
Has Caelin found your blog yet?
alan said…
I had intended to reply to each and every one of these posts, but between a spousal vacation and other interludes, the month escaped and I'm feeling very sorry and very guilty!

Has anyone taken "the plunge" yet?

Tuesday I was looking for Red Sox or Patriots goodies for a Christmas package; with a $25 limit the one I thought was "cool" was too much for my wife to say OK to. It was a $38 plaque that showed all of the Red Sox uniforms from 1902 to 2007...I immediately thought of you...

Calamity Jen said…
Okay, I know you're done with the post-a-day grind, but we miss you! Come back!
Anonymous said…
Hey, when are you going to start posting again?

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