Flat Stanley goes to London!

OK so Flat Stanley was flattened by a bulletin board one day at school, which would otherwise be tragic but meant that he could travel in an envelope and take part in great adventures everywhere. Kelsey sent him to me with his story. He came with me to London. Here's the link to Flat Stanley's new blog, or click on the title of this post if it doesn't work. The whole last day in London would have been spent on the couch hung over if it weren't for Flat Stanley and a gorgeous sunny day.
Other pics, coming sometime? Flat Stanley with his first pint never made the cut.


Chris Curtin said…
Didn't you travel with a 'borrowed' flamingo as well?
Anonymous said…
Wish I were Flst Stanley. Imagine flying free.

Kimberly said…
Awesome! I wish I could travel like Flat Stanley. I bet it's a lot better than coach. :-)
HAR said…
You gotta love Flat Stanley :)

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