
Showing posts from April, 2023

Shall I begin again?

>TAPS MIC<    Is this thing on?  The United States was built on rich people and slavery and has flirted with full-on fascism and Nazi movements through its history; these cherries sit on top of its free-market capitalism and institutional racism. The US has a recorded history of concentration camps, and today the leading republican presidential candidate wants to create new ones for homeless people so that people who will never visit the cities they see as bloodbaths (they're not) feel better about themselves and where they live.  We were on the right track after WWII and the winds of the Civil Rights era, but we're losing it now.  It's all just so loud right now: State-supported racism, removing existing rights and health care of women, the anti-semitism, xenophobia, religion-as-law, gerrymandering & restricting voting rights, the police violence, "if you see something, say something", the killing of black men and women, the arming up of society with...